Introduction to Prayer
This Prayer Essential class is designed to teach individuals the foundations of prayer. Participants will complete the class with a thorough understanding of what prayer is, why salvation is necessary, your authority in prayer, what hinders answered prayers, etc.
Developing Intimacy With God
This Prayer Essential class is designed to teach individuals the roles faith and belief play in answered prayer, the purpose of the Holy Spirit, how to enter the presence of God, setting the atmosphere, prayer posture, purpose of the anointing oil, anointing oil fragrances, confession, why repentance is necessary, examining your heart, etc.
Praying In Your Authority
This Prayer Essential class is designed to teach individuals why the word is necessary in prayer, the power of the word, how to develop your faith, what is faith, prayer blueprint, the requirements for answered prayers, expectations, confidence, forgiveness and praying in the name of Jesus Christ.
How To Distinguish God's Voice
This Prayer Essential class is designed to teach individuals how to distinguish God’s voice, how to distinguish the voice of the enemy, recognize how God communicates with you, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit.